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Beethoven Edition 150 Anniversary
Postat 16 aprilie 2024

Beethoven Edition 150 Anniversary

1 500 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat


Beethoven Edition colectie completa de vinyl-uri insumand 76 de discuri in 12 volume. Colectie lansata in 1977 de Deutsche Grammophon cu ocazia implinirii a 150 de ani de la moartea compozitorului.

Discurile se afla in stare excelenta, unele fiind chiar neascultate, cutiile se afla de asemenea in stare buna doar unele avand mici defecte datorate vechimii.

Volume 1: The Nine Symphonies (8 LPs)
Volume 2: The Concertos (6 LPs)
Volume 3: Chamber Music for Wind-Instruments (4 LPs)
Volume 4: String Quartets and Quintets (11 LPs)
Volume 5: String Trios (3 LPs)
Volume 6: Piano Trios (6 LPs)
Volume 7: Violin and Cello Sonatas (8 LPs)
Volume 8: Piano Works (14 LPs)
Volume 9: The Masses (3 LPs)
Volume 10: Fidelio (3 LPs)
Volume 11: Music for the Stage (3 LPs)
Volume 12: Songs and other vocal works (7 LPs)

Some interpreters: P.Fournier,Kempff,Szering,Amadeus Quartet,G,Anda,Demus,Schelter and David Pistrach
Some director K.Bohm,Karajan,Fricasy,Goossens and Leitner
Berlin philarmoniker and Weinner Simponiker orchestra.

Pentru alte detalii va stau la dispozitie!
ID: 196907263

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