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Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Student's Book
Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Student's Book
Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Student's Book
Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Student's Book
Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Student's Book
Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Student's Book
Postat 27 aprilie 2024

Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics Student's Book

55 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou

  • Livrare cu verificare


by Malcolm Bradley (Author), Susan Gardner (Author)
ISBN-10: 0007592671

Collins IGCSE® Physics provides complete coverage of the latest Cambridge IGCSE® syllabus for Physics and is packed full of questions, in depth content, practical investigative skills features and more.

Exam Board: Cambridge Assessment International Education
First teaching: 2014 First examination: 2016
This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education.

Ensure complete and comprehensive coverage of the latest Cambridge IGCSE® Physics syllabus
Teach and engage students with accessible language and challenging science presented in a clear and fresh way
Establish and build on prior knowledge with a quick recap of what students should already know at the start of each unit
Build and apply the skills needed to understand and carry out practical investigations
Enable students to be fully prepared for exams with lots of questions all the way through the books, including short text-related questions, worked examples and exam-style questions
Encourage students to take responsibility for their learning using the end-of-unit summary checklists
Stretch and challenge the most able students with extension material clearly marked throughout
One of a range of new books supporting the Cambridge IGCSE® science syllabi
ID: 260253785

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