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Carte engleza hardcover-The secret / Grit
Carte engleza hardcover-The secret / Grit
Carte engleza hardcover-The secret / Grit
Carte engleza hardcover-The secret / Grit
Carte engleza hardcover-The secret / Grit
Carte engleza hardcover-The secret / Grit
Carte engleza hardcover-The secret / Grit
Postat 08 aprilie 2024

Carte engleza hardcover-The secret / Grit

29,90 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou

  • Livrare cu verificare


Rhonda Byrne - The Secret - 29.90 lei
Angela Duckworth - Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance - 59.90 lei

De vanzare cele doua carti in limba engleza. Cartile sunt in stare perfecta, nici un defect. Editura si anul editiei sunt vizibile in fotografii.

Preturile sunt negociaibile. Predarea o pot face personal in Cluj-Napoca sau pot trimite in tara, prin curier, cu plata ramburs.

The Secret: 14 cm latime, 18 cm lungime, 202 pagini numerotate
Grit: 16 cm latime, 24 cm lungime, 333 pagini numerotate.

Despre carti:
The Secret
"Once known only by an elite who were unwilling to share their knowledge of the power, 'the secret' of obtaining anything you desire is now revealed by prominent physicists, authors and philosophers as being based in the universal Law of Attraction. And the good news is that anyone can access its power to bring themselves health, wealth and happiness. Fragments of The Secret have been found in oral traditions, literature, religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. A number of the exceptional people who discovered its power went on to become regarded as the greatest human beings who ever lived. Among them: Plato, Leonardo, Galileo and Einstein. Now 'the secret' is being shared with the world. Beautiful in its simplicity, and mind-dazzling in its ability to really work, The Secret reveals the mystery of the hidden potential within us all. By unifying leading-edge scientific thought with ancient wisdom and spirituality, the riveting, practical knowledge will lead readers to a greater understanding of how they can be the masters of their own lives."

"In this instant New York Times bestseller, Angela Duckworth shows anyone striving to succeed that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent, but a special blend of passion and persistence she calls "grit." "Inspiration for non-geniuses everywhere" (People).
The daughter of a scientist who frequently noted her lack of "genius," Angela Duckworth is now a celebrated researcher and professor. It was her early eye-opening stints in teaching, business consulting, and neuroscience that led to her hypothesis about what really drives success: not genius, but a unique combination of passion and long-term perseverance.

In Grit, she takes us into the field to visit cadets struggling through their first days at West Point, teachers working in some of the toughest schools, and young finalists in the National Spelling Bee. She also mines fascinating insights from history and shows what can be gleaned from modern experiments in peak performance. Finally, she shares what she's learned from interviewing dozens of high achievers--from JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon to New Yorker cartoon editor Bob Mankoff to Seattle Seahawks Coach Pete Carroll.

"Duckworth's ideas about the cultivation of tenacity have clearly changed some lives for the better" (The New York Times Book Review). Among Grit's most valuable insights: any effort you make ultimately counts twice toward your goal; grit can be learned, regardless of IQ or circumstances; when it comes to child-rearing, neither a warm embrace nor high standards will work by themselves; how to trigger lifelong interest; the magic of the Hard Thing Rule; and so much more. Winningly personal, insightful, and even life-changing, Grit is a book about what goes through your head when you fall down, and how that--not talent or luck--makes all the difference. This is "a fascinating tour of the psychological research on success" (The Wall Street Journal)."
ID: 263171749

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