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Cărți Rick Riordan în engleză
Cărți Rick Riordan în engleză
Cărți Rick Riordan în engleză
Cărți Rick Riordan în engleză
Cărți Rick Riordan în engleză
Cărți Rick Riordan în engleză
Postat 17 aprilie 2024

Cărți Rick Riordan în engleză

130 lei

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Titlu: Percy Jackson and the Greek Heroes
Autor: Rick Riordan
Nr. pagini: 560
Preț: 45 de lei
Descriere: Percy Jackson and the Olympians companion book.

In this gripping follow-up to Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods, demigod Percy Jackson tells the stories of twelve of the original Greek heroes in all their gory, bloodthirsty glory.

Want to know who cut off Medusa's head? Which hero was raised by a she-bear? Who tamed Pegasus, the winged horse? Percy has all the answers . . .
Rick Riordan is an award-winning writer. He lives in Boston with his wife and two sons. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Rick's first novel featuring the heroic young demigod, was the overall winner of the Red House Children's Book Award in 2006 and is now a blockbuster film franchise, starring Logan Lerman.

Titlu: Percy Jackson and the Greek Gods
Autor: Rick Riordan
Nr. pagini: 432
Preț: 40 de lei
Descriere: Percy Jackson and the Olympians companion book.

Who could tell the true stories of the gods and goddesses of Olympus better than modern-day demigod Percy Jackson? In this action-packed tour of Greek mythology, Percy gives his hilarious personal views on the feuds, fights and love affairs of the Olympians. Want to know how Zeus came to be top god? How many times Kronos ate one of his own kids? How Athena literally burst out of another god's head? It's all here in black and white...And, an exclusive bonus chapter from The Blood of Olympus, the fifth and final book in the Heroes of Olympus series!

Titlu: The Kane Chronicles: Survival Guide
Autor: Rick Riordan
Nr. pagini: 144
Preț: 45 de lei
Descriere: A guide to the people, places, gods, and creatures found in the chart-topping 'Kane Chronicles' series. Packed with brand new material, it teaches readers how to compile secret messages, read hieroglyphics and recite ancient magic spells.

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ID: 252116444

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