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SIGILATA Consola Sony PS4 Slim 500GB + Joc Call Of Duty MW II
SIGILATA Consola Sony PS4 Slim 500GB + Joc Call Of Duty MW II
SIGILATA Consola Sony PS4 Slim 500GB + Joc Call Of Duty MW II
SIGILATA Consola Sony PS4 Slim 500GB + Joc Call Of Duty MW II
Postat 16 aprilie 2024

SIGILATA Consola Sony PS4 Slim 500GB + Joc Call Of Duty MW II

1 199 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Nou

  • Model: PlayStation 4


De vanzare consola PS4, SIGILATA, fara factura sau garantie, cumparata acum 1 an si tinuta in dulap (sunt colectionar). Este binenteles varianta Slim, cel mai recent model lansat pe piata, iar jocul este sub forma de cod. Import Italia.

Consola Sony Playstation 4 SLIM, 500 GB, Neagra + joc Call Of Duty Modern Warfare II - 1250

PRETURI FIXE, nu deranjati va rog cu negocieri si oferte de schimburi.

Predare personala in Bucuresti. Nu trimit in tara.
ID: 263288868

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