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  7. Camere foto DSLR - Sectorul 3
Tripod  NODAL NINJA 3 ||
Tripod  NODAL NINJA 3 ||
Tripod  NODAL NINJA 3 ||
Postat 26 aprilie 2024

Tripod NODAL NINJA 3 ||

500 lei

  • Persoana fizica

  • Stare: Utilizat

  • Brand: Alt brand

  • Destinat pentru: Profesionist

  • Livrare cu verificare


Welcome to the world of Nodal Ninja 3 Panoramic Tripod Head

Nodal Ninja 3 MKII is the winner of the Editor's Choice Award 2 years in a row as well as the Gold Award, Pixelmania Award, 5 out of 5 ratings from Chasseur Images and Applelinks. The NN3 MKII is best suited for those on the go, a popular choice for Real Estate photographers, hobbyists, hikers and travelers alike. Use for single row and even multi-row. Produce stunning super high resolution panoramas with your point and shoot camera or smaller DSLR's. You can also mount your camera in both landscape (horizontal) and portrait (vertical) orientation. FOLOSIT FOARTE PUTIN STARE PERFECTA
ID: 252118240

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Activ pe 23 august 2023

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